More than 1 million zlotys have been spent in Bialystok to improve conditions for children with disabilities
In Bialystok, agreements were signed to improve accessibility in educational institutions of the city for a total amount of more than 1 million zlotys.
The number of orphaned children and people deprived of parental rights is growing in Belarus
Last year was a record year for Belarus in the number of persons deprived of parental rights, as well as in the number of children whose parents fell under such a measure.
Free exam preparation was organized for Belarusian schoolchildren in Warsaw
The Belarusian Solidarity Center (BSC) invites Belarusian children to free preparation for exams in mathematics and English after the 8th grade of Polish school.
Humanitarian foundations have announced a campaign for children of political prisoners
The traditional children’s campaign “Let’s give the children of political prisoners summer holidays” is being held this year by the project “Emergency humanitarian assistance”, which includes the Funds BYSOL, By_Help, “Country for Life”, Dissidentby and “Association of Belarusian Business Abroad”…