On July, 27 the artistic plein air on Mazury in the Bierkowo-village on the shore of Lake Dobrzyn ended.
It is organized by the Honorary Consul of the Republic of Lithuania in Olsztyn and the owner of the Bierkowo compound, Stefan Duk. It was already his 20th open-air performance. Belarusian artists also took part in it.
“The movie is amazing. Next year may be even better. I do not know if I will be the commissioner of the plein air next year, as I am a very good, gentle leader. Many people came to the current plein air for the first time and it turned out that a very strong and friendly team had gathered. We communicate with friendliness, draw together, and talk in our rooms until late at night. There are really nice people here. I didn’t even hope for that. I also do not hope that I will remain the head of the next plein air,” said Krzysztof Brzezinski, the head of the plein air.
Polish artists from different cities participated in the open-air, working in different techniques, but all performed paintings. Belarusian artists felt comfortable in the open air and were grateful for the invitation. The final exhibition was organized in Elku in the lobby of the Rydzewski Hotel.