The website of the Belsat TV channel temporarily stopped working on August 1 due to technical problems, according to the Facebook of this media outlet. Earlier, a call for Prime Minister Donald Tusk was mistakenly posted on the site.
According to information on Facebook, employees have no influence on solving the problem and apologize to readers, urging the management to resume the site as soon as possible. The journalists promise to continue to create materials and publish them on social media pages.
“We will continue to work for you. Every day we will do high-quality analytics, look for interesting characters to chat with them and offer you fantastic interviews that should have been collected in a book for a long time (perhaps now is the time to do this), as well as extract exclusives for you. Follow our pages on social networks, where we will publish materials for you. We will definitely come back to you at the usual address –”, – the editorial message says.
On July 29, an article appeared on the Belsat website with the headline “Appeal of Nobel laureates and intellectuals to Prime Minister Donald Tusk in the Belsat case.” After a while, this article became unavailable.
The appeal was signed by Belarusian Nobel laureate in literature Svetlana Alexievich, wife of political prisoner and Nobel Peace Prize laureate Ales Bialiatski Natallia Pinchuk, Nobel Prize laureate from Poland Olga Tokarczuk, former presidential candidate of Belarus Alyaksandar Milinkyevich, as well as Chairman of the Council of the Belarusian People’s Republic Ivonka Survilla.
Belsat Director Alyaksey Dzikavitski commented for the resource The situation is that the appeal was placed in advance by mistake, the publication was delayed because not all signatures have been collected yet.